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RGC-CS200 Flexible Waterproofing Slurry construction process!

date: 2022-05-07 19:46:58Source: Views: 525

RGC-CS200 Flexible Waterproofing Slurry construction process!

1. What are the steps of home decoration waterproof construction?
Base treatment → making detail nodes → first coating → second coating → first water leakage test → protecting waterproof surface layer → second water leakage test → project quality acceptance.

2. What is the most critical step in waterproof construction?
The most critical steps in waterproof construction are base course surface treatment and detailed waterproof reinforcement treatment. The quality of the base is the key to the success or failure of waterproof, and the strengthening of details is also to ensure the normal function of waterproof layer in the process of structural deformation.

3. How to deal with the base?
(1) The slope of ground drainage shall meet the design requirements.
(2) The base should have enough strength, solid, smooth, no sand, the base should have no water.
(3) Dust, oil, particles and other sundries on the surface of the base should be cleaned up.
(4) Plane and facade intersection, inside and outside corners of the application of cement mortar plastered into small rounded corners.
(5) Pipe fittings, sanitary ware, floor drains and drainage outlets connected with the base shall be firmly installed before the construction of waterproof layer, and the construction of waterproof layer must be completed before the installation.
(6) The surface of the pipe should be roughened or rust-proof.

4. What principles should be followed and what standards should be met when painting the waterproof layer?
Coating waterproof layer should be in accordance with the first details (root, outlet, etc.) after the large surface (metope and ground) principle. Inside and outside corners should be made into a circular arc. Large area of waterproof construction, according to the design requirements in the groove to fill the sealing material. In the gutter, eaves ditch, inside and outside corners, root and other nodes, the first brush coated 2 times. Waterproof coating is fully coated without omission and firmly bonded with the base. No bubble, no crack, no delamination, smooth surface, roll part of the brushing height is basically uniform, thickness must meet the requirements of the product. Waterproof coating construction according to the specification of the time schedule step by step operation, the completion of the construction link, and then other follow-up engineering construction.

5. Is the thicker the waterproof coating, the better?
No. Some rigid waterproof materials if did too thick, which is more likely to crack. It is forbidden to brush thick at one time, and multiple thin brushes should be used.

6. What are the specific waterproof requirements for each part of the house?
Toilet bath, kitchen, balcony, basement, the ground and wall of all rooms of the first floor residents should do waterproof layer. The water pipe groove in the wall should also be waterproof. Pipeline, floor drain, etc. through the floor, the waterproof layer around the hole must be carefully constructed. For the buried water pipe in the wall, the groove larger than the pipe diameter shall be chiseled, the plastering in the groove shall be smooth, and the waterproof coating shall be brushed. Tip: if the original drainage and sewage pipes and floor drains are changed during decoration, waterproof measures must be strengthened around.

6.What key links should be supervised during the construction of waterproof layer?
(1) Waterproof parts to be comprehensive.
(2) Waterproof layer construction should be strictly in accordance with the product instructions and brush to the standard thickness.
(3) The construction process should be careful: the joint between the wall and the ground, the angle of yin and yang, water pipes, floor drains and sanitary ware surrounding and laying of hot and cold pipes in the ditch is the key waterproof part, the construction must be careful.

8. Why is it necessary to conduct water leakage test after the waterproof is completed?
The water leakage test can verify whether the waterproof function of the waterproof layer is normal. For the water leakage test, the door and water outlet shall be sealed. The depth of the aquifer at the highest point shall not be less than 20mm, and the water storage time shall not be less than 24 hours. Check whether there are leakage points.

9. How to judge whether waterproof is done?
Mainly by doing water leakage test. Visual inspection method: open the downstairs toilet bath room to observe whether there is water seepage traces or water droplets. Contact test: confirm water leakage by touching the suspected water seepage place.